Postgraduate EO Candidates’ Manifesto Critique; a comment piece from Label News Editor Ellie MacKenzie. The views presented are those of the writer and not those of Label, LSU Media or Loughborough Students’ Union. 

You can find all Postgraduate coverage from LSU Media here.

Cathy Sun is one of two candidates running for the new position of Postgraduate officer. Cathy’s manifesto comments upon the main problems that PG students face, including isolation from the rest of the university, a need to make international students feel more welcome and help them adjust to new surroundings, and a need for advice that is more tailored to PGs.

Cathy Sun

Cathy mentions that she plans to organise more international socials and activities, with the aim of further integrating international PGs into the Loughborough Community. Furthermore, her point about making careers advice more accessible is one that would benefit many PGs in planning their futures after university.

Unfortunately, Cathy’s manifesto does not go into detail on how she plans to solve many of the problems, she just touches on a few ideas very briefly. However, Cathy has said in her manifesto that she is happy to discuss her ideas further, so get in contact if you’d like to know more before the vote tomorrow (Thursday 19th May.)

Cathy appears to be a very promising candidate. She has evidently done her research in identifying the predominant problems in the Postgraduate area, and seems passionate about working to solve these issues. It looks like it will be a close call as to who receives the most votes.

To view the candidates full manifestos, click here!

What do you think? Use #PGEO on Twitter to get involved. 

Whilst Label provide unbiased coverage overall, comments and opinions may be shared by individual writers and do not express the views of Label, LSU Media or Loughborough Students’ Union. They are for the benefit of encouraging debate, engagement and further comment amongst the student body. Any queries should be sent to [email protected], where you can also express your interest to become a volunteer at any time. 


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