Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Hall: Rutherford Hall
Size: 300
Catering: Catered 5 days a week

Size of Committee: 17
Fresher: Returner ratio: 10:3
Warden: Matthew Frost
A quote from the Hall Chair:
“Rutherford is an old and mighty hall in the centre of campus life, with a close family atmosphere and who aren’t afraid of a bit of banter and partying hard.” -Morgan O’Connell
Rutherford may not be the biggest hall in terms of size but it’s certainly up there with the best in terms of atmosphere and lifestyle. A hall that’s never afraid to have a good time, Rutherford has a great sense of community spirit with an active and inclusive committee. Its great position on campus makes it ideal for trips to the union and into town.
BNOC Alumini – Jess Excell, this years Union President!
Hall of the Year Ranking – 11th
IMS Ranking – 8th
Twitter: @RutherfordHall
Jamie Hutton- News Editor and ex- Rutherford resident