The Enchanted Island is a musical comedy from the restoration period based on Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Meet Prospero, an old woman who was usurped of her Dukedom by her brother and exiled onto an island (deserted but for a witch Sycorax and her two children) along with her two daughters, Miranda and Dorinda, and a young boy named Hippolito.

Our play begins fifteen years later, where, after Prospero has spent the time learning the art of magic, she is able to finally seek revenge on her brother and those who helped him. She causes a storm which leads to her brother’s ship crashing on her island, with the help of spirits and her faithful Ariel.

Ariel distributes those from the ship around the island, and come to experience magical, wondering, and frightening happenings. Our play follows these events that happen on the Island, following Prospero and her family; her brother Antonio and his friends Alonzo and Gonzalo; and the other mariners from the ship as they wander the island and try to get home.

But when Prospero’s daughters fall in love with Ferdinand (Alonzo’s son) and Hippolito, what will Prospero do when she has strived to keep her daughters ignorant of what men are, and the dangers they pose.

The Enchanted Island will be performed on the 7th and 8th of February at 7pm in Fearon Hall, Rectory Road, Loughborough.

Ticket prices: £7 per adult and £5 per concession/student.

If you wish to book tickets in advance please email [email protected] or talk to a member of the cast!

Cast List

Prospero- Lyndsey Bakewell

Miranda- Pippa Searle

Dorinda- Amy Hartley

Hippolito- Marisha West

Ariel- Melissa Langan

Caliban- Julia Quayle

Trincalo- Phil Wintle

Stephano- Esther Malkinson

Mustacho – Abbey Gardener

Ventoso and Gonzalo- Laura Cristescu

Alonzo- Holly Cooper

Antonio- Ben Nabu

Ferdinand- Anthony White

Spirits- Monica di Carlo, Lucy Hiden, Emma Baggot, Lyndsey Bakewell, Amy Hartley, Pippa Searle, Laura Cristescu, Phil Wintle


Samantha Mattinson


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