On Monday, February 25th, the Start-Up Loans Company appointed its first Student Ambassadors at a reception given by HRH The Duke of York, KG at Buckingham Palace.

The event was hosted by His Royal Highness as part of his continued focus on promoting entrepreneurship and supporting initiatives extending better access to capital to early-stage businesses. Lord Young, an economic adviser to David Cameron and founder of the scheme also attended. 

The Company which has £112 million to help start 25,000 businesses by 2015, backed by the Prime Minister, is the brainchild of Lord Young and is chaired by former Dragon and entrepreneur James Caan. Caan has appointed Ambassadors to represent Start-Up Loans at their universities, to encourage other students to consider starting a business and directing young entrepreneurs to apply for Start-Up Loans. 

James Caan said: “Student entrepreneurship is a vibrant community and through Start-Up Loans, we can help foster the amazing innovation that is evident in Universities across the country by helping start successful businesses. Through the Ambassadors who have all been selected, we will be able to catalyse enterprise amongst students.”

As the first Ambassador for Loughborough University, I had the unique opportunity to find out what Start-Up Loans represented first hand from James himself. I instantly knew that a loan service and mentoring scheme offered by Start-Up Loans would be highly beneficial to aspiring entrepreneurs at Loughborough University, and after talking to his team I was appointed as a Student Ambassador.

Two weeks later I attended the Start-Up Loans formal launch held at Buckingham Palace hosted by HRH The Duke of York and James Caan. It received widespread media coverage and was definitely an event I will never forget.

As an Ambassador, I am the go-to person on campus for advice on starting businesses. Tapped into all the right networks from Start-Up Loans and their partners, I will be on hand to guide budding entrepreneurs to securing funding and turning ideas into a business.

If you’re interesting in finding out more, you can contact me at [email protected]. Additionally, more information about Start-Up Loans can be found at www.StartUpLoans.co.uk.


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