The Lumineers – The Lumineers

The Lumineers self-titled debut album seems to have hit the UK music scene with a belated bang, but a bang nevertheless. Released in the US back in April 2013, The Lumineers came out of nowhere late last year to feature on numerous TV adverts and on our Spotify Top Lists within weeks. Simplicity is the key to this album, The Lumineers stick to the very basics of folk music. Track ‘Slow It Down’ epitomises authentic sense of rusticity that serves as the backbone of the entire album. It is an easy listen, containing a variety of songs to get your foot tapping.

‘Ho Hey’ peaked at number eight in the UK Singles Charts while the album itself peaked at number ten. As an avid Americana fan I hope and predict that The Lumineers will be the channel through which this genre of music will start to flourish here in the UK. If you’re a Mumford and Sons fan, but fancy delving deeper into the Americana/folk rock genre, then give this album a listen.

Label Music Rating: 8/10!


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