From Monday October 1 to the following Sunday, Loughborough Students Union will be hosting an alternative freshers week for the very first time. 


The events are aimed primarily at those who either don’t drink a lot of alcohol and don’t want to be surrounded by big drinkers, international students, and those who still want to meet people but don’t feel comfortable in a big hall crowd.


It is however, open to all freshers and includes events such as roller discos, film nights, a walk to Beacon Hills and a Theatre Trip. Most activities are free or cost just £1 so it’s a great chance to take part in something a little different over freshers. 


VP Welfare and Diversity and the main force behind these events Georgina Court, told Label:

“We are really excited about the week and we have had really
good feedback about the events we have organised. The Students Union
feel an Alternative Freshers Week is really important because although
Freshers week for the majority of people is amazing – we are quite
aware that the nights organised by hall committees do not always appeal
to everyone”.


For more information about all these events you can emai [email protected]  


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