SocFed Presidential Candidate Sophie ‘Reach for the Stars’ Sanders has told Label that she is looking forward to the Union Hustings despite finding it quite “nerve-wracking” too.

“I’m looking forward to it. A bit nerve-wracking because it is a bit more serious than the EHB Hustings but it should be good.”

She also told Label that she wants to get her message on “building relationships” between societies across to those who will be attending the event.

“I really want to push the building of relationships between societies. I just don’t want societies to have their own little clan. I want to bridge the gap by making loads of events and bring back loads of events like “Socs on the Beach” like Katie Halliday [Societies Federation President 2010/11] did.”

Explaining further, Sanders emphasised “Socs on the Beach” and that she wants to “bring back more events like these.”

Sanders talked about the fact it “was a totally free event and everyone came along just to try out different societies and get to meet everybody else. I just want to bring back more events like these.”

Label also understands that over the week she will be doing a pole dance promo to help her campaign on Wednesday 10-12 in James France and outside the EHB from 12.

Aisling ‘Ash Ketchum’ O’Donnell and Claud ‘Mr Cosmic’ Williams are also running for the position of SocFed President.


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