The first full day of campaigning is nearly done and what a great one its been. The posters are up, the lecture shout outs have started and campus is suddenly a mass of free sweets and pancakes. What a brilliant Shrove Tuesday!

I hope you are all enjoying the Label Online reports. We have a team working around the clock in an attempt to provide informative, fair and objective coverage for all candidates, their campaigns and their manifestos. If you feel we have missed anything or have any extra news for us, please let me know via email.

The Elections Committee released two statements this afternoon, confirming campaign bans for both David Haines and Ali Shahid. The latter cannot campaign for 38 hours with immediate effect; a discipline that has particular significance this year.

In 2011, lecture shout outs were only permitted in the second week of campaigning, but for these elections it has been changed to the first week. A ban at this stage of the campaign may therefore have greater impact. Only time will tell.


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