Fifteen candidates have been announced for the Executive Development Officer (DO) Elections 2012.

Dave Tingle will be unopposed as he re-runs for Alumni DO, whilst all five of the other positions will be contested.

Two current union councillors will run for Chair of Council, Lincoln Chan, who has recently sat on elections committee for the main Executive Elections 2012 and David Haines. Haines ran in the Executive Elections earlier on this year, when he lost to Georgie Court in the race to become VP Welfare & Diversity.

James 'Rambo' Carroll will not be re-running for Chair of Council.

Global and PostGrad DO's are both currently vacant after Michael Duckworth and Tim Price left their respective roles during the 2011/12 year whilst Community DO is a new position for 2012/13.

Campaigning began on Monday May 14 at 20:30 and will continue until voting closes on Monday May 21, just a week later. Voting opens on Friday May 18 at 18:00.

The full list of candidates is below:

Global DO:
Murtaza Haider
Tessa Glenn
Vladimir Vancea

Post Graduate DO:
Andrew Pyatt
Shaotong Li
Henry Totterdell

Alumni DO:
David Tingle

Community DO:
Rachel Chambers
Lisa Dover
Charlotte Bourne

Yara Al Wazir
Lewis Wright
Selina Birdi

Chair of Council:

Lincoln Chan
David Haines


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