Author: LSU Media

Label interviewed Union President hopeful, Adam Sellers, in order to find out why he is going for this role, what makes him suited and why we should vote for him to be our next Union President. Why are you running for this position? I have been a hall chair and have found that it is something I have enjoyed and feel it is worthwhile. I have enjoyed representing the students at Falk Egg and feel like I would be up for representing the rest of Loughborough. I enjoy it so much and just want to see Loughborough keep getting better…

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Exec Elections campaigning brings all sorts of costumes and themes to Loughborough each year. Campaign styles and ideas are often quite generic, but this year it appears as though we’re seeing some completely unique, innovative and exciting campaign strategies! We’re now about half way through campaigning- so what new things have we seen so far, and what technique keeps returning like a bad penny?  Unique campaigning from Haslam, Reckless and Hazeldene; Thursday 26th February saw a couple of new strategies appear on social media. Take Thomas “The Tank Engine” Haslam, running for VP Sport, for example. If you logged onto…

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Alice Priestley chatted to various students around campus to find out how people perceive the elections on behalf of Label Features…   One of the most important roles running Loughborough University is its executive team. Not only do they provide excellent opportunities and activities, they also ensure support is given to students all the way. I’ve asked a few current students over a range of courses to see what they think of one of the most significant events in the university’s academic calendar. The major reaction recorded, however, may not be how you expected it to be. Greg Brady, a second…

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VP Union Affairs Liam Peoples has told Label Online that Elisei Ghiorghita has withdrawn from running for the role of VP College. Loughborough Students’ Union can announce that Elisei Ghiorghita, candidate for VP College, has officially withdrawn his candidacy as of 14:20 this afternoon (27/02/2015). The decision as to what will happen regarding the re-opening of nominations will be made by Union Affairs Committee in their meeting in the days following the close of elections on March 4th. Elisei Ghiorghita has had no visible campaign around campus and was unable to attend media week prior to elections.

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Label met up with Tom Haslam and found out about his manifesto points and the new ideas he wants to bring to the role. Why are you running for this position? I am running for this position because I am passionate about Loughborough Sport and Loughborough itself. I want to give something back to Loughborough Sport for the great time they have given me, and I want to give students the best student experience, as I am so grateful for the experiences that I have had. What makes you well suited to this role? I think having been a Chairman…

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Label interviewed Lauren Gough, and learnt more about her sporting experience and plans for the VP Sport role. Why are you running for this position? Since my first year I’ve been really involved in sport here on all different levels. Sport is so unique at Loughborough so I wanted to be involved as much as I could. As I’ve gotten further through uni I’ve taken on so many different and more responsible positions that I can see so much I want to do with sport here in terms of changing things and helping things grow. It is a natural progression…

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Label got to know Luke Thomsom in order to find out more about his experiences that he believes makes him well suited to this role, and to hear about the new ideas he wants to bring to Loughborough sport. Why are you running for this position? This has been something that I have been looking forward to doing for a couple of years. I was first on Athletic Union Exec and that gave me my first taste of the AU, and it was something that massively appealed to me and I really enjoy working at all levels of Loughborough sport,…

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Steph Noble told Label all about her experience within this section and why she wants your votes. Why are you running for this position?  I am running for VP Welfare and Diversity mainly because I feel I have the passion and experience the section deserves. I have worked a lot within it since I have been at university, so that’s two and a half years where I have gone from being a volunteer- winning best volunteer last year which is fantastic, going on to the LGBT committee and also being Mental Health Coordinator, so I have got a lot of…

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