In this piece, Label’s Entertainment editor Sophie Alexander explains what environmental organisations are doing in the fight against global warming, and details some of the small changes we can make in our own lives to combat climate change.

As the Antarctic ice sheets melt away and the rise in forest fires continues to burn brightly, the clock is ticking for the welfare of our world. Times Square’s new installation ‘Countdown Clock’ by Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd is showing the world how long it will take to reach our “carbon budget” and that climate change becoming more and more of a threat as time goes on. Without immediate action the future of our planet is predicted to be a bleak one, but what are organisations doing to combat this issue, and what are the ways regular people can help alongside them?

Extinction Rebellion is an organisation that uses non-violent disobedience that doesn’t focus on the traditional methods like petitions or extreme protests. They instead disrupt the current political system to raise awareness, despite how this may affect people’s everyday lives. Insisting that the UK “act now” to reduce carbon emissions and preserve natural habitats. Reducing would entail restrictions on transport (planes, cars etc.), changing diets and eliminating plastic waste. However, for us to use renewable energy, thousands of wind turbines would need to be placed since we’ve been polluting for so long that it will be difficult for us to climb out. To get their voices heard, Extinction Rebellion have glued themselves to trains, stopped traffic and delayed flights with protests, with reputable figures such as actress Emma Thompson showing her support on the streets alongside them.

Protesting isn’t the only way to help – you’re not expected to strap yourself to a tree – but there are a few ways you can help from even the comfort of your home:

  1. Research and sign petition to show your support.

Although the governments priorities are centred around the pandemic, it doesn’t make the urgency of climate change any less of an issue

  1. Eating less meat and dairy.

The production of these food types is responsible for 14% of emissions. Not only is it worth reducing for the climate, but it’s also not healthy for you to consume too much of these either.

  1. Invest in renewable energy sources.

Changing fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to greener sources for energy and electricity around your home will create a big impact.

  1. Eco-friendly transport

e.g. using a bike or walking instead of driving cars.

  1. Turning off lights and appliances you’re not using.

Another simple and easy task. Not only will it help carbon emissions, but your wallet will also thank you.

  1. Waste less and recycle more.

Plastic is the number one problem so try to avoid it.

These methods will certainly help slow done the rate of climate change, but it will take a collective effort to make it work. You know it must be serious when David Attenborough has joined Instagram to make people really listen!

Header designed by Frankie Stevens – Head of Design

Edited by Izzie Naish – News Editor


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