Unsurprisingly, there has been outrage on social media this week. One member of the public captured a Domino’s worker in his uniform purchasing 15kg of £1 Asda frozen seasoned wedges. The photo went viral last weekend and has since received nearly 50,000 shares. One lady with lots of time on her hands worked out that her portion of wedges cost Domino’s a mere 29p, thus confirming that charging £3.99 is extortion.
This photograph appears to have split opinions, with some finding the discovery amusing and others expressing their shock and outrage. If the comments are anything to go by, Asda should be expecting a drastic increase in sales on their seasoned wedges, whilst Domino’s should start thinking up some new sides that are worth for £3.99. However, one commenter named Charlie took a different approach: ‘How can you moan at Domino’s buying their wedges from supermarkets? Did you expect them to grow their own potatoes in the back?’
Do you think it’s acceptable for Domino’s to buy their wedges from Asda? Let us know in the comments. For more weird, interesting or humorous stories, head to the Label website and check out ‘One for the Weekend’!