Wednesday 4 September saw the National Rag Awards take place as part of the annual national Rag Conference hosted this year by the University of Birmingham.

Loughborough Students Union Rag was awarded the highest accolade of the night, Rag of the Year. The award recognises LSU Rag s outstanding efforts this year, raising a total of £1,080,764.46 for various charities.

When asked about the Conference, former Rag chair Max Turner told Label;
 This year’s conference has been absolutely incredible. To have won Rag of the Year at the first official national Rag awards. For LSU Rag to be recognised by huge names in the charity sector is amazing. As the first Rag chair in years to not beat my predecessor s total, I was worried about what peers and other universities might think about us this year, but this just goes to prove that LSU Rag may no longer be the biggest, but we re definitely still the best. 

Former Rag Rep for William Morris Hall and current Rag Employability Officer Samuel Chislett also commented on the achievement;

 This award truly reflects the hard work Max, Jane, Karen, the committee and all the reps have put in over the last year. Paul has some big shoes to fill, but I am sure he is capable of repeating the success. 

The four day long conference was designed to bring together Rag students from universities all over the country and  develop the Rag movement on a national level . It recognises those students and universities who have gone beyond expectations throughout the year in raising incredible amounts of money for charity and investing hours of their time to help others.


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