Returning Media volunteer, Callum Sayer, shares all things positivity in his weekly news round-up.

By now, I’m sure that most, if not all of us, are becoming fatigued with the endless flood of information on coronavirus.  The grim news from the daily press briefings in Downing Street and the lockdown means that all of us are searching for some glimmer of positivity.

Well, fear not, I come bearing 5 stories that can cheer you up.  From stories closer to home to stories overseas, here are my top 5 stories that will give you a smile!


If you thought that goats invading the Welsh town of Llandudno was good enough, then I kid you not (see what I did there) but deer have invaded an area in East London.  A video posted to social media show the creatures wandering the streets of Harold Hill as people stay off the streets. If you didn’t need any more proof of the love that mother nature can give you, then this is it.


With the closure of pubs, clubs, cinemas, and theatres, actors have taken their productions online to ensure there is some ‘vague’ form of entertainment during these difficult times. There was the announcement of the former host of QI, Stephen Fry, starring alongside Inbetweeners actress, Emily Attack and Russel Tovey of  BBC One’s Years & Years in a two-part adaptation of the ‘Understudy’ which you can simply watch by purchasing £5 ticket.


As we stay indoors, people are turning to their TV sets more and more to catch up on shows they may have missed during their studies, or to stay informed with the latest information.  Now, whilst Disney+ is proving popular, and Netflix is releasing content, the catch- up services of the main broadcasters have been busy too.  The BBC have dropped a lot of content onto the iPlayer service with shows like Doctor Who spin-off ‘Torchwood” and spy drama Spooks making a return to the service.


As traffic declines due to the lockdown, it’s been reported that many cities around the world are meeting their emission targets for the first time.  In the UK, London, Bristol and Birmingham have all met their emission targets for this year, whilst overseas, China, the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak, has seen a massive drop in emissions as factories and power stations fall silent.

Now, whilst this effect may be fleeting, scientists say that the decline in air pollution could spur Western countries into action when COP-26 begins next year.


Now, I couldn’t end this round-up without including the Clap for Our Carers campaign where through the power of applause, we are showing our appreciation for key workers and those that are working in the NHS on the front line. Alongside this, other organisations have joined to make a positive difference. BBC Local Radio across England has banded together to create the ‘Make a Difference’ Campaign and you can get involved.  In Loughborough, you can contact BBC Radio Leicester if you are a charity, have some information, or can help out, then email [email protected] and use the subject heading ‘Make A Difference’

You can also raise a shout out for those who are heroes on Hits Radio’s Hero Hour at 1pm and 4pm as well.  During those times, you can dedicate a song to those people who are out in the community to keep the country going.  For more information on that, head to the Hits Radio website at

Remember, stay safe and stay at home (and wash your hands too)

Featured image by Frankie Stevens


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