Over the last week, you’ll have seen some campaign material from LSU’s two Postgrad EO Candidates on why they should be voted into the new Executive position to represent Postgraduates next year. It’s been a short and quieter campaign period to what we’re used to, but after two days of voting, the results are in.

George Hones won, receiving 461 votes, whilst Cathy received 113, leaving RON with 34 votes.
George “Game of” Hones has campaigned all week for the Loughborough vote and his manifesto states that he will work to provide greater summer services for those students in Loughborough during the holiday period. He also seeks to provide some pre-arrival information to new students as well as providing a more personal approach to engaging with PG students. George’s final point focuses on working with Loughborough in London and working closely with the London Committee to provide greater opportunities for involvement for students there and to provide an all round, good quality student experience.
Although voter engagement was a lot lower than we normally expect in a Loughborough Campus-Wide election, it is clear that the ones who did vote are more likely to have engaged fully with the ideas and debates surrounding the candidates, taking the time to vote for who they genuinely think will do the best job. The voting shows that this wasn’t too close a call and the engaged voters have chosen their winner by a clear margin.