Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Welcome to Towers Hall Freshers! A catered hall in the East part of campus with around three hundred students, 180 freshers and 120 returners. Towers hall has the highest returner rate in the whole of campus:
“You’re going to get put in Towers, you’re going to cry about it and then you’re going to have the best year of your life” -Jennifer Taylor, Hall Chair.

The location of Towers is ideal: close to the design school, the union and Powerbase gym. It’s just a short walk away from the main lecture theatres and the library. The rooms are spacious and practical with shared kitchens and bathrooms. Towers rooms are some of the biggest on campus, with a huge desk, double bed and sink.
Towers redeems itself for its remarkable social atmosphere as everyone lives together in two huge towers! Towers hall also puts on regular socials throughout the year that everyone can get involved in- such as paintballing, rounders and the odd drinking session.
In terms of campus reputation, Towers ranks highly. We came third in hall of the year, third in IMS (intramural sport), first in FREEC (Food, Residential, Environmental, Ethical and Campus watch) and our Welfare Rep was voted the Best Hall Rep in 2015! Towers strives to be the best it can be in every aspect of university life such as action, media and IMS; there’s truly loads to get involved with.
The catered option allows you to ease yourself easily into university life: you receive three meals a day Monday to Friday (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and on the weekends you get brunch and an evening meal. Just a heads up, we’re the only hall on campus to get brunch (aka the best meal you will ever receive and also a great hangover cure).
So before you reject Towers hall as your home for first year, just consider what an amazing year you’ll have- here’s a couple more quotes from Towers’ Committee to prove why Towers is simply the best!
“Living in Towers has been the best year of my life.” -Harry Charlier, Sports Sec
“Highest returner rate in Loughborough, the fact speaks for itself.” -Hersh Patel, Social Sec
Twitter: @TowersLboro
Natasha Bennett- Style Editor and Returning Towers Resident
Photography courtesy of Immy Hawksbee