Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Name of Hall – The Holt
Size of Hall – 261 occupants
Size of committee – 16

Fresher : Returner ratio – 184:77 approx.
Warden – Emma Bagley
Reputation on campus:
The Holt is often believed to be a quiet place, a place of tranquility and study, but when Freshers’ hits this hall it hits hard. Situated across the road from Falk Egg, arguably the rowdiest hall of all, the two halls can often combine to create one of the best party atmospheres across campus. People may not know much about The Holt, but the high-quality en-suite rooms, beautiful setting and sunny garden space makes this the perfect location to spend your Freshers’, while being a hall you can settle into for the rest of your University career.
The Holt has not been classified as a hall in the same way as others have over the past few years, spending periods of time as a kind of sister/overflow hall to Falk Egg a couple of years ago, and last year being involved with campus life largely through Falk Egg Committee. This has meant it has failed to deliver the university the kind of infamous alumni that its neighbouring hall has done in droves.
Twitter: @HoltHallLboro
Leanna Kightley- Assistant Label Editor