Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Name of Hall – Falkner Eggington
Size of Hall – 519 occupants

Size of committee – 19
Warden – Simon Wombwell
“We see Falk Egg as less of a hall and more of a family. The best thing about Falk Egg is we encourage everyone to get involved so from day one you’ll meet a great bunch of people and will continue to throughout the year.” – Kamran Nazir, Falkner Eggington.
“Falk Egg has been the best second home I could have possibly imagined for my last two years at Loughborough. I have made so many happy memories here thanks to the amazing people and events that happen here. It has a great community feel and there is something for everyone to be involved in.” – Beth Boxall, IMS Communications and Stash Rep and former Falk-Egg Sports Sec.
Reputation on campus – Falk Egg is a hall whose reputation precedes it. A diverse hall full of fun-loving Freshers, international students and postgraduates alike, no one will fail to enjoy a year or three (at least) in this vibrant hall.

Since its recent revamp, Falk Egg’s reputation has gone from strength to strength on campus and you will not meet a member of this feisty, community-spirited hall who will fail to defend its honour, and so they should.
BNOC alumni:
Tommy Allen AKA Aceman – those who have been at Loughborough for a few years will remember Aceman from his campaign to become Union President, if nothing else. The former gap-toothed Falk Egg committee member has since moved onto pastures new, but the legend of the Original Aceman can still be heard all over campus, especially in his native hall.
Hall of the year position – 9th
IMS position – 6th
Twitter: @FalkEgg
Leanna Kightley- Assistant Label Editor and ex- Falk Egg resident
Photography courtesy of Falk- Egg Hall Media