Beatrice Quarshie

Picture this: LSDance, a cabaret line, our very own VP Media Bryn Wilkes centre stage, singing his heart out with his rendition of We Can Do It from the musical The Producers. Room 1 was completely transformed from its usual dance floor ambiance and the occasional stint as a revision room and transported people to the glamorous allure of Broadway, New York.
Friday 6th June set the scene for LSU Media Presents Broadway; this night was a celebration of the talented people that make LSU Media what it is, with the winners and well deserved nominees becoming not only household names in the media world but further afield among the general student body.
The atmosphere is Room 1 was incredible, everyone was clearly having a wonderful time and there were smiles all around from VP Media’s Past and Present, right to the Vice Chancellor Robert Allison, with both the Exec Elect and current Exec members in attendance.
The big winners of the night and the people who really brought home the Media bacon were Label’s own Editor Elect, Katie Wilson, Assistant Head of Media, Matt Peat, LSUTV Station Manager Elect, Ryan Andrews, LCR Station Manager Elect, Paul Johnston and future LSUTV Committee Member, Cameron Small.
Among the LSU Media team that has over 400 members, here are the 20 stars that have really shone the brightest and gone above and beyond to add to the excellence that is LSU Media:

Label Best Section: Sport
Label Best Volunteer: Katie Wilson
Best Contribution to Entertainment: Ryan Andrews
LCR Best Show: The Cheese Onions Show
LCR Best Volunteer: Anna Craik
Best Contribution to Features: Katie Wilson
Lens Best Photo: Dan Leedham

Lens Best Volunteer: Paul Johnston
Best Contribution to News: Katie Wilson
Loop Best Producer: Mike Pertwee
Loop Best Volunteer: Cameron Small
Best Contribution to Sport: Liz Tyler
LSUTV Best Show: Elections Results Night Live
LSUTV Best Volunteer: Ryan Andrews

Most Improved Hall Media: Telford
Best Media Rep: Cameron Small
Hall of the Year: Robert Bakewell
Best New Volunteer: Till Sieberth
Best Overall Volunteer: Matt Peat
Lifetime Achievement Award: Matt Peat
With a new Senate and section committees already elected for the next academic year, the future of LSU Media appears to be bright and only getting brighter. Old and new Senate were welcomed to the stage before the evening bade farewell to a living legend within the Media world and a man that has truly made his mark in LSU Media history, as Assistant Head of Media Matt Peat was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to Media over the years. With a Media Department working so fervently to produce a high calibre of work it is no wonder Loughborough truly walks on Water.
Photography by Cade Morris and Dan Leedham