Label spoke to Jack McShane to find out what he why he wants to be your next VP College. Read on to see what ideas he has and why he believes he is the best candidate for the role.
Why are you running for this position?
I’ve done quite a lot of things with the Union. I was a member of the Athletics club in first year and then been involved with the Cocktail society in second. There’s stuff that I missed out on though, just because we didn’t have a committee and that’s something I really want to change.
What makes you more suited than other candidates?
I have a clear idea of what I want to do, I’m personable and I’m good at speaking to people. I’d like to bring a face to the College and interact with College students face to face. I’m approachable, so people could let me know what their concerns are.
Can you tell us about your theme? 
It’s ‘Jack’s has got your back.’ Looking out for the College students and trying to do whatever I can to make things better for them.
What’s the most important aspect of your manifesto?
The most important thing is the first point on it, to set up and support a working students’ committee. There have been attempts to set one up before, but it hasn’t been very successful. I am not sure why that is. I think with training, from the help of the Exec team, it could be managed.
A committee is what’s going to drive the participation from the College students, especially with Rag and Action. We’re getting there with IMS, participation is improving. But other things like media, with the help a committee could be better known about.
In one sentence why should people vote for you?
I’m doing it based on experience, to look out for the students. I want to improve future experiences, based on the experiences I’ve had.
What are you most looking forward to about campaigning?
Being out there and speaking to people and hopefully letting them know of the changes that I think would be beneficial.
What are you least looking forward to?
The most challenging part is going to be managing campaigning with deadlines. I’ve got work to do but I think it’s worth it.
What part of campaigning are you going to focus on the most?
I think I’ll do a lot of stuff online with social media; I’ll try and get out as much as I can also. Nights out – I will be doing a few, even if it’s just for a little bit.
What have you spent your budget on so far?
I’ve not spent any money so far. Hopefully, I’ll get a few freebies for people.
What made you want to run for this position?
Being a member of the College, it’s what I know really.
What do you like about the way the role has been carried out this year?
When I spoke with G, she said she got the most out of the role when she actually went and walked round in the College and spoke to people. I’d like to make that a more regular thing.
What new ideas will you be bringing in?
Building a committee and making sure to fill all positions, making sure everyone is trained to do the roles to keep it going. And then provide the support.
I’d like to do more events for the College. For example, ‘College Superstars,’ to work alongside a ‘University Superstars,’ which would result in a grand final.
Can you tell us something that not many people know about you?
I won the Outlook festival of music and drama aged 11 with a poetry recital.
I won the youth decathlon at age 17.
What three characteristics do you have that make you well suited to this role?
Motivated. Passionate. Down-to-Earth.
This interview took place on Saturday May 2nd and was conducted by Danni Jones and Katie Wilson.
Write- Up: Danni Jones