Elections for the new Loughborough Exec Development Officers is now over, voting closed on May 15  with over 800 votes cast per position. All four part time roles were successfully filled, and now the successful candidates can look forward to starting their new roles over the summer months.  

Benji Appleby will be the new Ethical and Environmental Development Officer, having ran unopposed he easily secured the role with 806 votes. He will now take responsibility for researching Ethical and Environmental issues that may impact the university.

Also running unopposed was Ellie Gyaurova, who was successful in being elected for the role of Community Development Officer gaining 796 votes. In her new role Ellie will help build and maintain relationships between the University and local residents whilst developing involvement for students in the local community. 

The Global Development Officer position has gone to Gemma Lomas, who was successfully elected after receiving 593 votes against Minash Bablani who received 332 votes. Gemma will be in charge of the representation of Loughborough International students, whilst improving the international standing of the University through projects, work placements and languages.

In the tightest poll for a Development officer position, Krupa Nandha was successful in the second ballot of voting, edging out Kushal Shah 413 votes to 405 respectively. The initial round of voting had ended 413 votes to Krupa, 404 for Kushal with 36 votes to re-open the nomination. Krupa will take up the role of Alumni and Employability Development Officer, ensuring involvement and participation of University alumni in future events, whilst also providing employability skills development opportunities.

Thomas Johnson


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