What is Teach First?

Teach First is an independent charity and a movement for social change, focused on transforming the life opportunities of children and young people by driving up standards and raising aspirations in schools in challenging circumstances.

Did you know?

Just 16% of pupils eligible for free school meals make it to university compared to 96% from independent.

Teach First is looking for the best and brightest that Loughborough has to offer to join our vision and help us address educational disadvantage. By joining Teach First’s Leadership Development Programme you receive intensive teacher training leading to a PCGE with real responsibilities as you will be working in a classroom from day one whilst being paid. For those of you hoping to pursue a career in business, Teach First is an amazing opportunity to generate networks with our Platinum Partners; PwC, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs and many more. You have to opportunity to part take in a summer project with many of these companies and possibly join one of these companies after the two year programme with Teach First.   

Undergraduate Opportunities

Join the Brand Manager Team starting September 2014!

Hey! I’m Steven, a final year student at Loughborough. Currently I work as a Teach First Brand Manager and will be starting the Teach First Leadership Development Programme in 2014! I am very excited to begin work with Teach First on the Leadership Development Programme and be part of this movement for change. However, we are looking for determined and outgoing individuals to join the Brand Manager team starting next year. If you’re interested in gaining first hand experience in marketing, event management or advertisement you can’t afford to miss the opportunity to become a Teach First Brand Manager!  I have thoroughly enjoyed the role of Brand Manager as it has equipped me with skills that are valued and sought after in any career.  

Hannah –Teach First Brand Manager

Hi Guys! I am in my final year studying Geography. I applied to be Brand Manager for Teach First as I love talking to people, so getting paid to talk to student and excite them about something I really care about is great. When I heard that only 16% of young people on free school meals go on to university I was shocked and wanted to be part of changing that.

I was keen to apply for the Leadership Development Programme and being Brand Manager enhanced my understanding of the charity. It also meant getting through to the assessment centre stage of the selection process automatically which was a real bonus.

A piece of advice I would give to a future Brand Manager is to continue to be enthusiastic even if people seem disinterested or walk away. What you are saying won’t be for everyone, but if you’re captivating and exciting, people are likely to respond favourably.

My fellow Brand Mangers and I have participated in numerous activities on campus to increase brand awareness. I particularly enjoyed attending the Finance Societies Networking Event. Here we chatted to lots of people about Teach First as well as enjoying canapés and a delicious three-course dinner!

Get in touch!

So, if you’re determined, tenacious and ready for a challenge get in touch with Tom McGee, one of our Graduate Recruitment Officers, to talk about either the Leadership Development Programme or Brand Manager opportunities. You can contact him via email at [email protected].

Visit our website to find out morehttp://www.teachfirst.org.uk/

Or register your interest for a Brand Manager role here http://graduates.teachfirst.org.uk/recruitment/undergraduate-opportunities/brand-managers.html


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