Catriona Laskowski, Tom Parry and Natasha White are all successful in their Executive Elections campaigns, all being appointed as Development Officers for the coming academic year.
Firstly, Laskowski was voted in with 881 votes compared to RON’s 103, and becomes our Postgraduate Development Officer for the upcoming academic year. She promises to increase social opportunities for Postgrads via the development of the Postgraduate Association, and to increase Postgrad integration into Union and departmental events.
Catriona later told Label Online, "I'm overjoyed at the election result and am looking forward to working on the Exec. Campaigning was really fun and I'm very pleased with the success of my campaign. The development of the postgrad community is something that I feel very strongly about and so I am delighted to be elected."
Tom Parry, the former Holt sport sec turned AAIR rep (Alumni, Affiliates, International and Returners) and Community Committee sport sec for 2012-13, has been elected as Community Development Officer, with a grand total of 957 votes whilst RON received 68. Parry’s main points include improving the relationship between town students and Loughborough residents, increased involvement in events such as Rag and Action, and to increase the number of hall affiliates in town via an ‘Affiliates League’ and reduced joining fees.
Parry was over the moon after the results were released: "I don't think it has properly sunk in yet, I couldn't be happier with being appointed as the Community DO! Being on Exec was kind of an unrealistic idea to me in Freshers, so I never gave it any serious thought, but now that I am here, I am just over the moon."
"Campaigning was a great laugh, I enjoyed it a lot, but I will never be able to say thank you enough to the main guys who helped out with my campaign. It wouldn't have been possible or even half as fun without them. Particularly the day we made all my banners, that was by far the best day and hopefully they will agree with that. I greatly look forward to next year!"
Finally, the current vice chair of the Global Development Committee, Natasha White, has been successfully appointed as the Global Development Officer on Exec for 2013-14! White managed 919 votes, compared to RON’s 78, and promises to allow the relationships between international and home students to blossom further by promoting important culture-specific events during the year.
Upon hearing the announcement, Natasha told Label: “I am extremely pleased with the result and excited to be next years Global DO! Obviously being uncontested it was less competitive but there were still loads of students who voted so I still feel it was successful and I look forward to what the position holds for me.”
Congratulations to our new Development Officers from everyone here at Label! The final three DO positions, which are Alumni, Environmental and Employability Development Officers, will now be elected through a meeting of Union Council on Thursday June 6th at 7pm.