Label caught up with AU Presidential Candidate Nicola “Baywatch” on her excitable dash about campus this evening. She plans on gaining support from Loughborough Students by talking to as many as possible.
“I want to talk to as many people as possible because hopefully, that’s the way that my enthusiasm and passion for the AU presidential position will come across”
Keenan praised those who are aiding her in her campaign in her torrent of energy. “I’ve got a brilliant campaign team who are out putting posters up everywhere”
Also a current AU Club Chair, she emphasized the importance of BUCS and her desire to be the spearhead of success, “total BUCS domination year in, year out”.
She expressed her worries about the increase in tuition fees and what effects this will have on sport. “Recreational sport might suffer and I want to make sure this is not the case”
Looking towards recreational sport, her campaign is not centred just around BUCS and the Olympics, but IMS too. Keenan touches on the Olympics, but also stresses her aim to involve all students in sports and give the student population what they want.
“I want to make sure people have that opportunity to do whatever sport they like, I embrace the Olympics but my campaign is not based around the Olympics at all”
Keenan is up against Lewis “Pimms” Timms for the position of AU President.