As the candidates reveal draws ever closer, news of one individual withdrawing from the contest can be made public. It is said that evidence having arisen of him breaching elections pre-campaigning rules, the current Alumni Development Officer, Dave Tingle, deemed it the right decision to cancel his plan to run for Vice President: Welfare and Diversity.
Sources suggest that Tingle and members of his campaign team were trying to persuade a potential competitor to run for a different position, thus increasing his chances. It has also been said that Tingle offered the support of other halls that he claimed to be able to influence as a bargaining tool.
Speaking to Label, the current Exec member did not deny the rumours.
"I think I was just as strong as any other candidate, it would have been a great contest. However, my main stunt got delayed and, as only a second year, I wanted to give myself the opportunity to give it everything."
So we won't be seeing a 'Pringle Tingle' or 'Tingle Lube' campaign launch tomorrow evening, despite those being touted as his preferred slogans. You will have to wait until just after 8pm on Monday to see who has decided to run for the new VP position and the other nine executive roles, all of which will be announced in Room One and live on Loughborough Campus Radio.