The sun shone this morning as supporters gathered on Holywell for a long awaited IMS Rugby

match; a rivalled encounter between Royce, National IMS Champions 2011, and David Collett, unbeaten this season.

David Collett got off to a great start; with the first try scored just after kick off by Matthew Thompson, who went on to score a second try just minutes later. Royce were not disheartened and managed to push through, scoring their first, and only try just before half time.

As the second half began, with the score at 10-5, tension was high and both teams came back out fighting. David Collett took the lead as Ben Morris, nicknamed “The Gas Man”, planted the ball over the try line for his team’s third and tries, leaving the score at 20-5.

Josh Smith, Royce Hall Chair; was disappointed by today’s result after lifting the National Trophy at Twickenham last year, “Speed beat power… DC were incisive, we couldn’t get over the line but we never gave up.”

Connor Pearce, co-captain for David Collett, said, “A challenge was laid down for the lads and we knew this would be one of most physical matches yet. But we stepped up to and beyond the challenge. I speak for all the boys when I say nothing's going to stop us on the road to Twickers [Twickenham] now.”

A repeat of the classic underdog tale; David took down Goliath.


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