The first of Jago Pearson's fortnightly editorials for Label Magazine, republished here on Label Online. Write to him with your letters, questions and queries at [email protected]. Pick up your copy of Label from dining halls, the Student Union, library or EHB.


A summer of unrest on the streets of Britain, the fall of a defiant dictatorial regime in Libya, the decline of the west’s most powerful media mogul and the passing of the ten year anniversary of 9/11. It has been a busy few months on the global stage.

As you return to Loughborough after a four-month spell enjoying the delights of a typically underwhelming British summer, or as the case may be for those freshers, a prolonged few weeks sweating over A-Level grades, life in the ‘bubble’ plods along with its usual naivety to the events of the outside world.

As Grace Meritt states on page 14 in the University relationships debate, studying for a degree coincides with ‘the time in your life when you’re old enough to do whatever you want, and young enough to get away with it’. At Loughborough, this also seems to mean adopting a complete disregard for anything that does not involve Frosty Jack’s, coursework deadlines or Hey Ewe.

Yes, enjoy yourself. Work hard, play even harder, embrace the most liberating experience of your life; but at the same time remain switched on to goings-on in society. It is so easy to slip into a comfortable oblivion to things that can have such a large affect on your life.

This publication is your place to keep up to date with everything happening in the world outside of the bubble, as well as all of the news and comment on matters involving your university, your student union and everything concerning your student life.

Last year, our team provided insightful comment on matters of style, culture and music, brought you up to the minute sport reports as the University successfully retained the BUCS title for the 31st season in a row, exposed unconstitutional practices in the Student Unions’ Executive Election process, shone a light on Imago’s deficiencies in dealing with a variety of challenging circumstances and provided in-depth coverage and comment on the tuition fee row.

The tuition fees debate is a topic that Chris Carter talks about in his new regular column on page 11. The Labour councilor for Loughborough Ashby unsurprisingly has grievances with the new system, but is there a viable alternative? If you have an opinion on the matter, please do write in.

This year, Label will continue to be your exclusive source of news for everything Loughborough, whilst also entertaining, enthusing and informing you with everything from the gritty and thought provoking to the comical and damn right outrageous.


Every fortnight in print, every day on the web and every minute on Twitter. Don’t miss a beat. 



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