Label volunteer Chris Leroux brings us an article on why his decision to join halls was the best he made in his Loughborough journey.


It’s the 17thAugust 2017; A Level Results Day. My family walk into my school’s foyer with me, my teachers are standing there smiling at me. I think to myself do they know?It turns out they didn’t. I open the brown envelope and I see my results. I panic, one grade below the entry requirements. I rushed around, thinking that I’d have to go through Clearing. Then I remembered to check my emails; Thank God, I had an email from Loughborough Uni, saying that I had been accepted!

I was so excited, so excited in fact that I forgot to read the rest of the email, which told me my time for selecting Halls of Residence…

When I found out the next day that I had missed the timeslot for selecting my Hall of Residence my heart dropped. My mind began to race through all the worst-case scenarios, wondering what on Earth I would do.

But then I was given Royce Hall. I looked at it online and thought to myself doesn’t look too bad. I was wrong. But not for the reason you think. It was honestly one of the best decisions of my life to accept the offer from Campus Living.

I have found my home away from home in Halls. Every time I have felt homesick my flatmates, and my Hall, have been there for me. Every night out my Hall corner has been calling out to me, and when I’m there I feel safe, and can have a good night out; the best nights out have been in Royce Corner.

I’m sat at home away from University and I yearn to be back, to be in Royce, to see all my friends. Hall life is unlike any other, it’s like a little village, everyone knows each other, all united against your rival hall! It is an experience like no other.

I enjoyed Hall life so much that I ran for Hall Committee; the second-best decision of my life. The Hustings Challenges scared me to death, but I completed all of them, and I’m glad I did, without doing it, I don’t think I’d have the confidence I have today. Halls have provided me with the confidence to go out and face the world, to not be afraid of talking to people, and to know that I will always find my home back in Royce.


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