Sunday night saw Falk Egg display a complete disregard for the rules of The Sing Off and many have criticised the committee and fresher helpers of losing control over their freshers. However Falk Egg’s inability to play by the rules has seen all 519 hall members and affiliates (source: Leo Hothersall) banned from one of the most sought after nights in the LSU calendar, Returner’s FND. Following Sunday night’s events during the first heat of The Sing Off which saw the whole of Falk Egg kicked out of the Student’s Union, Sub wardens and Warden alike, Label has caught up with the recently black balled hall on campus.

Earlier this week Label circulated an article critiquing Falk Egg’s Sing Off Etiquette, in light of that Falk Egg’s Hall Chair Leo Hothersall would like to set the record straight on a few things making their way through the rumour mill:

Did Falk Egg break Sing Off rules? Yes. However, did they break the rules with the malicious intent to ruin their own Freshers’ and other Freshers’ night, no.

Falk Egg is a hall centred on community, a hall that even when looking at the adversity of being banned from the Student’s Union can still come together and have an enjoyable evening. Despite the less than necessarily cordial means the hall displays itself with, it does not mean the hall has ever gone out of the way to be intentionally cruel or dangerous.

When describing some of the rumours that have been travelling around, Leo Hothersall could simply describe the rumours as “vicious”:

  1. Falk Egg committee did NOT permit freshers throw milk.

  2. Falk Egg committee did NOT permit freshers scissors

  3. Falk Egg committee did NOT permit water pistols to  contain bodily fluids – I can personally attest to the fact that the Falk Egg Hall Chair explicitly told Freshers before the Sing Off that they were only to fill water pistols with water. 

The Sing Off is a unique event specific to Loughborough Freshers, Falk Egg approaches this event in a manner unique to their hall, with first and foremost aspect for their hall being fun, from their point of view the only thing they really did wrong was go over their allotted time limit and throw harmless objects, whether or not you agree is a completely separate issue and feel free to comment below and continue the debate.

That’s it for another year of The Sing Off, once again congratulations to our 2015 Champions, Bill Mo and here is to hoping for a slightly less controversial Sing Off than this year’s.

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Sources: Leo Hothersall, Falk Egg Hall Chair


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