Joe Gibbon discusses new ways of tackling Lent- that can even give you chance to change things before this Easter! You may be struggling by now, so consider these alternatives:

Fed up with always failing at Lent? Do you always find yourself tucking into that forbidden chocolate bar, cracking open that forsaken can of fizzy drink or indulging in anything you wish you hadn’t declared off-limits? Well how’s this for a change: instead of giving up something for Lent, why not try taking something up instead?

No matter how hard we try, many of us forever fail during Lent. We are too accustomed with luxury and some of us are not cut out for life without our favourite things. However, don’t give up so soon, I think I’ve found the solution! Instead of doing the usual and ditching something addictive, this Lent I decided to find something new to try every day. To my surprise, this proved just as mentally challenging (it’s hard to list forty new activities you fancy) but I feel that I am reaping the benefits.

Of course, your resolution doesn’t have to be the same as mine; you could easily restart an old hobby you wish you had never quit. Those of you who hate exercise can also breathe a sigh of relief – your activity of choice doesn’t have to be sport or fitness related. Use your imagination and I am sure you will find something worthwhile. Don’t kid yourself however; in case you were wondering, going large at McDonald’s for the first time doesn’t count as trying something new.

Religious or not, this could be a solution to your annual Lent dilemma. Taking up an activity which has always interested you might be a more rewarding and realistic ambition. Instead of repeating past mistakes, you might discover a new, enjoyable and beneficial activity which will stay with you for a lifetime. Still undecided? Well just remember, this revised Lent resolution doesn’t force you to abstain from the luxuries you need most in your life. So what are you waiting for? Earn your Easter eggs and much, much more by spending your Lent trying something new (whilst still treating yourself to the things you love).

Joe Gibbon


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