The LSU Executive Elections have today been delayed until May in an unprecedented move by the Students’ Union.

The move from the usual February-March elections period is the first in modern times, and is another signal of the effect that the Coronavirus pandemic is having on daily student life.

Union President, Matt Youngs, said that the change would allow the Union “to facilitate elections despite the challenging backdrop” of the pandemic.

Nominations will now open on the 26th April and close on the 30th, with campaigning running from the 6th to the 14th of May – two months later than usual.

Candidates will have the opportunity to find out more about the elections over the Easter Break, with multiple candidate support sessions on topics such as how to write a manifesto and how to run your campaign running throughout April.

In another change, the Union expects that the election will be run entirely virtually for the first time, with further emphasis on social media campaigning and digital events such as the Live Reveal and The Soapbox, produced by the award-winning team at LSUTV.

Vice President Fejiro Amam told Label that “the elections were delayed to allow the elections team the time and resources to design the first ever entirely digital elections in a way that is just as engaging and interesting as previous years.”

“The delay will also allow us to dedicate more time to giving our candidates the support and guidance needed to deliver a successful digital campaign before the election period.”

Democracy & Representation Chair Joshua Gray said that “Whilst the change might be a surprise to some, it is the right move to make”, adding that “it will allow more students to get involved and become engaged with the elections process when back on campus, rather than planning an election from home.”


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