With the carnage of #EE2017 fast approaching, there’s some new info out from the Fresh Pres himself. Here’s what Jonathan had to say about this year’s roles & changes:

“This year the positions of Union Affairs and Finance and Commercial Services have been restructured to free up the roles and make them more efficient. Whilst both positions lead important parts of the Union and are of undeniable importance, we believe the roles could be streamlined to implement another function of the position. This function would be more project based and help develop projects that would either not specifically fall under one person’s remit or ventures that cross between sections. These projects would include but are not limited to Freshers, Exec campaigns like Better Decisions or anything that the sabbatical officers feel is important to them or to the team as a whole.

This makes the positions a lot easier to run for in elections as candidates’ manifestos could be on the projects they want to run throughout of the year rather than trying to develop our finance/communications/commercial strategy which has been a hard task for numerous years, and encompasses a large number of permanent staff.

The reasoning behind the change of title of both roles to Vice President was to promote the idea that they would be a partnership, working closely together on initiatives and schemes to improve Loughborough Students’ Union. This also feeds into the implementation of a distinction between certain areas of the Executive team, and developing improved functionality and collaboration within those sections. The current groupings are Academic Representatives (College, Education and Postgraduate Executive Officers, Section Heads (Action, Rag, Societies, Welfare & Diversity, Media and Sport Executive Officers) and the Central Sabbaticals (President, Union Affairs (to become VP Affairs and Development), Finance and Commercial Services (to become VP Finance and Development.)”

-Jonathan Ako, Union President


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