PGR Programme President, Jordan Dawson, shares his thoughts on why RON is an option when voting for your new Postgraduate EO. The views presented are those of the writer and not those of Label, LSU Media or Loughborough Students’ Union. 

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This will be the first Postgraduate Executive Officer role at Loughborough University and the scope of the role will be developmental. It is important that this inaugural opportunity has a strong candidate with a range of skills and understanding of both PGT and PGR. Do either of these candidates match up to this? RON is a viable option for this post given the lack of experience these candidates display.

Whilst the candidates have both shown a willingness to understand and listen to the concerns of both taught and research cohorts, the concern still remains over whether these populations can be adequately represented- is this possible by someone with little to no actual experience of the PGR cohort? There are also concerns that the affiliation of one of the candidates to such a range of LSU offerings means that they they do not adequately understand the barriers to engagement for PG with these difficult to reach cohorts. Does the rewritten manifesto of one candidate offer enough information for the postgraduate population to vote for them? It also raises questions about how one candidate could submit such an extensive manifesto, which with additional text later added, accounted to over 800 words whilst the others’ originally consisted of a slogan. This raises questions about the fairness and understanding of candidates as to the emphasis placed on this aspect within the debate.

Jordan Dawson, PGR Programme President

Whilst Label provide unbiased coverage overall, comments and opinions may be shared by individual writers and do not express the views of Label, LSU Media or Loughborough Students’ Union. They are for the benefit of encouraging debate, engagement and further comment amongst the student body. Any queries should be sent to [email protected], where you can also express your interest to become a volunteer at any time. 


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