Label Issue Two came out last week, and what a varied one it is (available online here). It has been great to see so many new design volunteers getting involved, whilst we’re opening up media as a space where people can share their ideas, their work and ask questions. By booking out spaces in media, we’re taking full advantage of the open door policy and doing our best to welcome our new members in to an environment where we love to work, bounce ideas off of each other and generally chat about union and media related topics.
Did someone say “Critical Journalism”?
On the subject of the union, this week has seen a couple of critical pieces of journalism, only seeking to add to some of those we’ve already seen in the magazines thus far in our regular columns- some more exciting ones are lined up for the next issue already! With Chair of Hall Media, Jack Berisford critiquing the infamous Regulation XIX, and myself looking into why students are struggling to take an interest in Student Forum. A couple of weeks ago, we also had Harry Lambert’s comments on EU as well as Dan Leedham’s comments on why Loughborough took no official representatives to a student march against fees. Also, there are definitely more critiques lined up in the very near future, so watch this space (not going to lie, I love these and cannot wait for more!)
In other news, Media held their first “How I Met Media” social, which saw me failing miserably at a quiz about what can be found in the media office (minus two points everyone, be proud), I clearly don’t spend enough time there… At the social, we showcased what each section of media have been up to whilst chatting to committees and volunteers about their involvement and had a generally chilled evening celebrating what we get up to- it’s always nice to spare an hour or so reflecting on your work.
So, what have we got coming up next?
Well, Features have more of their “Keeping Up With Action” articles in the pipeline; News are on top of interesting stories: LSU and Globally; Culture have game, film and society reviews and showcases; Music are involved in Loop sessions and an Open Mic Night on Monday; Sport are on top of match reports with some regular contributors; and last but by no means least, Style are heading to The Clothes Show live very soon to bring you coverage of the event, interviews, photos and more! Label Issue Three will be released on December 4th, plenty of time for you to pick up a copy before heading home for a week deserved break.
Contact us:
Clearly, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved with, whether you’re interested in writing, designing or marketing, feel free to email me to find out more and as always keep up to date with all things Label over on our Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram.