Hosted by Charlie Staunton & Sophie-Louise Hyde, Speech Bubble is going to take place in Cognito’s at Loughborough’s Student’s Union on Monday evening, 2nd March. Whether you’re a student or a member of public, you’re invited to this unmissable spoken word event. Speech Bubble is an enchanting showcase for Loughborough students to display their alluring and flamboyant talents under the spotlights. Whilst experiencing the mellow and heartening atmosphere, you can enjoy watching Speech Bubble with Cognito bar’s refreshments in an idyllic, cabaret setting.

Headline acts include the great Dan Simpson and the amazing Vanessa Kisuule.

Doors will be opened at 7pm. The tickets are complimentary for students (remember to bring your student ID) and £3 for the public. If you’d like to make any reservations, please kindly contact Charlie Staunton at [email protected] or Sophie-Louise Hyde at [email protected] . Tickets will be available on the door as well, however, due to the limited seating, you’re advised to reserve a seat in advance to avoid disappointment.

Get the latest updates at Speech Bubble’s Facebook event page:



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