Bubble Debate Extra 2 saw two new LSUTV presenters, Kieran Mellish and Ellie Shields who were first joined by Rob Whittaker, Sophie Farley, Amy Ward and Izzy Ford, current Exec members. 

Kieran: How do you think it went?

Rob: There were more disagreements this evening, it was a great debate- I enjoyed it very much!

Sophie: Great to see how people ease into it throughout.

Amy: The bubble debate has served its purpose meaning that some candidates stand out from others. This is the time to ask difficult questions.

Ellie: Was there anyone who stood out?

Rob: Max Crawford- he has a lot of knowledge about role and where he’d like to take it next year. He talked about how he’d improve the Exec Elections next year, it is fantastic to pinpoint an issue to target.

Kieran: Was there anyone who didn’t come across very well?

Sophie: Sometimes candidates swerve questions and simply explain the question back! This is something that stands out in a negative way.

Amy: Rag candidates agree with each other a lot, but did seem to have their own take on things too. Ellie: What are the top positions that you think will be most contested?

Izzy: Societies will be interesting and I think Welfare is also close.

Amy: I couldn’t separate the finance debate out. Their answers were completely different, but both candidates were strong.

Kieran: Was there anyone charismatic or diplomatic tonight?

Rob: Both are charismatic personalities that stand out. It’s hard for candidates to engage and express  themselves during such short time frames. They need to be personable as students want to talk to people. Both are able to do that and both are charismatic. However, the winner is for you to decide.

Ed answered a difficult question professionally- this was a heated bubble debate!

Ellie: Will something like the idea of Saturday exams hinder the campaign?

Amy: This hasn’t come from nowhere, we have been talking to students about this. They’re saying that Saturday exams would be better than exam bunching. It’s just an idea and is not definitive.

Kieran: Anything that sticks out more than others?

Rob: Being likeable is important. Campaigning is essentially 10 days of stress. Enjoyment is important and it’s good to check out the general consensus on twitter.

Sophie: It’s great to see the cool Roald Dahl characters- nice to see the battles of the writers, it has definitely added something to their contest.

Izzy: Campaign teams are crucial. Max’s stood out with the smiley face as the logo is really good. I’m excited for flashmobs!

A short discussion with the panel team, Hamza Modi, George Hones, Sarah Haar and Axelle Savary followed the initial Exec based Extra panel;

Kieran- Hammy, were you trying to cause a stir amongst Rag tonight?

Hamza: I wanted to probe how candidates can work better and I think that this is important.

Sarah said that: RON is always a lively candidate. When uncontested it can be difficult- so someone on twitter representing that option is healthy.

George: I cannot imagine how embarrassing it would be to be Ronned as an uncontested candidate.

Katie Wilson


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