By Helena Reid
Degrees can be daunting to us all and can cascade us into a sense of terror and anxiety. By organizing ourselves, knowing ‘what’s what’ and having plan of action, we can succeed in a cool, calm and collected fashion. These ‘Top 10 Tips’ provide a guide in doing so.
- Go to Lectures
This is a fairly good start. It’s surprising how many elusive characters there are on every course. But it’s true what they say: the more you put in, the more you get out. This comes hand in hand with participation. If you participate in a Lecture, Seminar or Tutorial you will often feel more fulfilled after the class. Some modules may even carry a 10% participation mark!
- Visit the Learn page
It’s full of resources provided by your tutors and is easy to access. It also hoists its importance in the fields of assignment submissions, module updates, student timetables, and therefore is an essential counterpart to your Degree.
- Watch Lectures on Learn
Some of us are lucky enough to have our lectures recorded and readily available to us on Learn. This is extremely useful during the revision periods and captures those important points you miss in superfastpacedlectures. Bleurgh.
- Visit your personal tutor
Personal tutors are there for a reason. Their existence is often ignored, but they’re there to help you through your studies and with any other issues you may have. If you make yourself known, chances are you’ll build up a good relationship with them and an even better reference at the end of University.
- Make friends
Having a few friends on your course can often be essential. It means having someone to send panicky messages to before deadlines and exams. And strategically, the more people you know, the more choice you’ll have in choosing good coursework groups. It also gives you the excuse to go to Departmental Socials. Basically, a win, win…win situation.
- Pimp your notes
Who wants to revise from chaotic, perplexed notes, often soiled with tears? The more attractive your notes are the more time you’ll want to invest in staring at them. As is true with most things.
- Get organized
These upcoming suggestions will save you from last minute panics over unforeseen deadlines. Make a note of when all your deadlines and exams are, preferably when your modules first become available to you on Learn. Make to-do lists throughout your course. Even invest in some snazzy folders to contain all your immaculately presented notes.
- The Library and Reading Lists
Pilkington is full of books. And taking one out will only better your degree. The Library grants you access to a multitude of resources, including articles, DVDs, journals and your average book. Additionally, reading lists are produced by your tutor and you will probably get some brownie points by using them!
- Check Your Emails
Link your student email account with your phone. If you don’t, you might miss emails from lecturers calling in sick and believe me, sitting in James France alone as the person who ‘didn’t get the memo’ is not fun. More importantly, instant emails to your phone give you access to fantastic opportunities on campus and further afield.
- Find yourself a hobby
Solely concentrating on a course 24/7 is enough to drive anyone insane. Luckily, Loughborough University has enough societies to quench one’s thirst for communal fun. There’s an extensive list of societies to join, from the likes of Paintballing Society to Model United Nations. Go on, indulge.