A Fresh Perspective on Sport

Blog #2 – Settling In


In Becky Turner’s last blog, she spoke of her excitement at the prospect of trying out Loughborough’s world class sporting provisions. Now, two weeks into the term, she tells us whether the reality has lived up to the expectations.


Moving to Loughborough was a bigger change than I anticipated; but after what seemed like a never ending first week of homesickness, I am finally starting to settle at Loughborough. I honestly feel that since attending My Lifestyle sessions and sports tasters, I’m beginning to feel a lot more at home.

One of my highlights of freshers fortnight was attending the AU bazaar. This gave me the opportunity to get more in-depth information about all the sports that Loughborough has to offer. During the bazaar I discovered the true extent of the amazing sports facilities available at Loughborough; and the wide range of sports available, from team sports such as rugby and netball to individual sports such as fencing, archery and trampolining.

On Monday evening I attended some of the My Lifestyle activities, something which I was keen to get involved in before moving to Loughborough. I got involved in both netball and rush hockey – activities which were not only extremely fun to be part of, but which also gave me the chance to meet new people. I particularly enjoyed rush hockey – this will definitely be something that I continue with each week!

On Wednesday evening I attended the first of the trampolining taster sessions. Trampolining is a sport which I have never considered in the past, but I thought that it would be great to try something completely new; I am extremely glad that I did.

Although I am extremely inexperienced at trampolining, the committee made everyone of all abilities feel very welcome. Trampolining is unique and very fun – two things that I was looking for in a sport when I came to Loughborough. I am proud to say that I am now a member of Loughborough University Trampolining!

A number of people I have spoken to during the taster sessions and the My Lifestyle activities have shared a similar opinion about the sport available at Loughborough. One student I spoke to said ‘I want to try something new and enjoyable; there are plenty of sports on offer that fit that here!’


In her next blog, Becky will tell us what further My Lifestyle exploits she’s had and how far she’s gone with the trampolining club.


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