Some may see being creative as a bit of a challenge, something they’d love to be able to call themselves but can’t really say the word simply flows off the tongue. However, surely being creative is just part of who we are and surely we all are creative in our own ways?

Sure some of us are incredibly gifted artists or musicians. In fact, whilst at University I am continually running into new friends who play the guitar, the piano, the flute, some incredible singers and oddly enough three ukulele players. However, we don’t all have to be the next Picasso or Chris Martin to find enjoyment from creativity.

I’m certainly no musical genius; though I may have dabbled with the piano for most of my childhood and routinely sung in choirs throughout my school days like most of us. I wouldn’t say music seeps through my veins or particularly drives me or any sense of creativity I possess.

However, courtesy of my newfound ukulele-playing friends, I decided, after a little late night and rash Ebay-ing, to embrace my ‘inner musician’ and try my hand at this strange little Hawaiian guitar.

To those who have never played a stringed instrument, the challenge of learning to play the ukulele can be a little daunting – trying to get your fingers to respond and almost tie themselves in knots trying to produce harmonious chords such as the oh so tricky Dm7.

Though as a complete novice to such instruments I can honestly say the pleasure and sense of achievement in finally conquering the demon Dm7 chord is, quite literally, music to my ears.

Now, two weeks on I can’t even listen to a song without wondering how it would sound on the ukulele, making a mental note to Google the chords to ‘L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.’ or whatever song has been stuck in my head all day.

This, of course, will often result in mastering the chords at 1am in the morning and proceeding to practice repeatedly, even attempting to sing along – much to the displeasure of my flat mates.

Now it’s safe to say I’ve certainly surpassed the stages of singing in the shower as suggested in the list of ’33 ways to stay creative’. Additionally, another of the 33 points proves true – “surround yourself with creative people” – to help you find something you love or enjoyment in something new.

It is, after all, completely the fault of my newfound friends that my flat mates are increasingly aware of my musical progression, day or night. Hopefully my sporadic attempts at strumming the chords to the latest song choice will at least appear to have some sense of rhythm.

Particularly when heard at 1am by semi-conscious neighbours between annoyed knocks on the wall kindly telling me to shut up.


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