Ash O’Donnell has found campaigning “really good, tiring but a lot of fun” so far, she told Label earlier this evening. O’Donnell has “got some really good responses from people, a lot of people like the theme and it's really good.”
With David Haines, VP Welfare also campaigning with a Pokemon theme, Label asked Ash how the theme came about:
“Most people call me Ash, and I do usually get the response, ‘like in Pokemon?’ so it essentially came from that.”
Ash, who is running against Sophie Sanders and Claud Williams for Societies Federation President, also eluded to how she wants the rest of her campaign to go; “More campaigning, getting out there, getting myself seen, lot of Pokemon around, [it] should be good.”
Currently Newsletter Editor on SocFed committee, she also gave reaction to being in a hotly contested position; “I’d heard rumours [that it would be contested] but it’s good because it makes it a bit more fun and my opposition are really nice, really friendly.”
The 16-day long campaign looks to be a real test of endurance for the candidates; “Yeah a little bit [worried about getting tired] I think it’s something you get used to. I’m looking forward to it.”