Sports Editor, Jasmine Trapnell sat down with some of the Executive Officer candidates to help students get to know them a bit more. Below you can get to know Lizzie Adamson, who is running for Sport Officer.

Lizzie Adamson (Sport Officer candidate) described herself as proactive, enthusiastic, and approachable. Over her time at Loughborough she has been very involved in many different sports programmes. Adamson is a member of the AU Lacrosse team and also coaches the women’s Lacrosse 4th team, as well as being the fixtures secretary for Lacrosse too. On top of this, Adamson also coaches athletics, participated in IMS netball and squash for Royce, and plays social league Netball.

I asked Adamson who inspires her most, and exclaimed said Jessica Ennis-Hill! She explained how Ennis-Hill is one of the reasons she got so involved in sport after seeing her be the poster girl for London 2012.

Adamson’s manifesto details 3 things she would like to improve: involvement, support, and representation. Click here to read Adamson’s full manifesto.

“Loughborough’s speciality is that we are the BEST university for sports; I want to promote this and ensure every student feels included and can contribute to this reputation.”

Then I asked Adamson what her favourite memory from being at Loughborough is – to which she responded when the lacrosse team she coaches won their first game! Explaining they were all particularly happy because a lot of the teams they play have more experienced players.

My next question was an important one for all candidates! I asked, if you had to live in halls for one more year, which hall would you choose? Adamson said she would have to choose Royce because she had such a positive experience, explaining she loved being in a catered hall as it gives you more free time and it’s a more community feel getting to eat together.

The final question I asked, some believe can tell you a lot about a person, others just think it’s a fun ‘get to know you’ question: “if you could be an animal, which one would you be and why?”. Adamson chose an elephant, saying she chose this because they are energetic and like to be in a herd – working with others, and will do anything for someone, Adamson said they are also super friendly and cute!

Edited by – Jasmine Trapnell (Sport Editor)

Designed by – LSU


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