Loughborough University Alumnus Radzi Chinyanganya has become a household name through presenting the likes of Blue Peter, the Olympics, Worlds Strongest Man and World Snooker Championships. Sports Editor Jasmine Trapnell spoke to Chinyanganya to find out more about his outstanding career!

Radzi Chinyanganya has built a career that many dream of, with his first ‘big break’ being selected as the official weightlifting presenter at the London 2012 Olympics. He clearly impressed everyone as he was then invited back to present the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Thinking back to this experience, Chinyanganya remembers feeling a mixture of unbelievable excitement and an awareness of where it could lead – knowing he just needed one person there to believe in him.

Just a year later in 2013, Chinyanganya became the 37th presenter for Blue Peter, something he said he aspired to be from age 10! This opportunity, however, didn’t come by through pure luck, Chinyanganya worked for free for 3 years, worked as a runner, did internships, and lived in a hostel with “mice running through the kitchen”.

Over the 6 years of presenting Blue Peter Chinyanganya experienced some of the “most memorable things I will ever do in my life”. Being able to walk in Simon Thomas’ footsteps on Blue Peter was a privilege for Chinyanganya as he looked up to him. But something that stood out about his experience on Blue Peter was that he was not just meeting lots of people, but that he was doing something that resonates and is memorable for young people.

In 2018, Chinyanganya was selected as a presenter with the BBC covering the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and then again was a presenter at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 with Eurosport!

Due to building such a successful career Chinyanganya has had some amazing opportunities outside of presenting and even starred on Dancing on Ice in 2020! He has also kept close to his Loughborough roots and hosted the Loughborough Sport Sponsors dinner in December 2022.

Even having hosted such a range of elite sport, Chinyanganya said he is unable to choose a favourite as each sport and event brings its own uniqueness and special moments. From presenting Strongman where you get total freedom to speak to athletes that are “literally larger than life” to the intricacies of snooker and working alongside legends like Jimmy White and Alan McManus. He did say, however, he does have two rules: he will not work in any sports he does not like, and will not work in any sports he does not know – which he recognised is a privileged position he is now in, due to working so hard.

For those aspiring to work in sports media Chinyanganya said you must get out there and do it, offer your services for free. He volunteered at the World Indoor Athletics Championships in 2003 whilst he was at school – Chinyanganya said he had no idea what it would lead to but it was a lightbulb moment for him. When asked for a final piece of advice, Chinyanganya replied: “give it your all”.

Edited by – Izzie Naish (Head of Label)

Designed by – Jasmine Trapnell (Sports Editor)


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