Label interviewed the candidates running for Education EO 2019-20, read their responses below (in alphabetical order, we try and be unbiased here!)…


Candidate: Ana-Maria Bilciu

Sum up your main manifesto points in one sentence.

My manifesto focuses on three main areas which are; visibility, empowerment and transparency.

What was your motivation for running?

I’ve been at university for 4 years now and in each year I have done something differently. I started off as a peer mentor as well as a course rep, and then I was a Department Vice Chair followed by Chair. So, I have a lot of love for education and my department specifically. I’ve met such amazing people and I’ve had a very good relationship with my lecturers and because of all of this, I’ve personally been connected to education. I thought it would be the time to step up and actually run for Education EO to assure that other students feel the way I do.

What do you want to achieve this year?

When I was writing my manifesto I realised something, one year is not enough for anything really, which is why I’ve tried to focus on smaller goals. It is easier for me to work towards them and hopefully achieve them. I want to make sure that by the end of the year when I look back at my manifesto points, I know I’d achieved at least one of them.

What have you enjoyed most about life in Loughborough?

Loughborough has become such a family and a home to me, it’s so hard to get away from it – the Loughborough bubble! They always say that and it’s so true, it’s fascinating really. I think the best thing about Loughborough has been meeting my friends; in each year I’ve met some amazing people that I really look up to. I’ve always been involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities and volunteering as well as my volunteering roles. I think that every single one of these opportunities has introduced at least one person that I’m always going to have for the rest of my life.

Why is your role vital?

I think the education role speaks for itself. It’s such a strong link between the university and the union and it’s the kind of link that allows the student cohort to actually voice their opinions and really streamline everything they struggle with to the university through me and my committees and everyone I get to work with. So, I think it’s really important to realise that the education role sits between these two incredible places. Overall, it’s the idea that you give students the opportunity and platform to voice their opinions to the university.

What do you think about the debate of BA vs BSc?

See this is a tricky one, I personally think each degree is different and because each degree is different it is entitled to be hard. So, no matter how good you are at what you do and no matter how hard you struggle in the one you do, that does not mean someone else doesn’t. Also, if you think your degree is hard it doesn’t mean that somebody else’s isn’t. I try to stay very impartial in this discussion!


Editor’s note: these interviews have been edited down, if you would like longer transcripts of our interviews, please email [email protected]

Featured image by: Omeiza Haruna


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