On Tuesday Night at a special Student Forum where the Development Officers for 2017-18 were elected.

The positions up for grabs were International D.O, Community D.O and Ethical & Environmental D.O. There were no candidates for Ethical & Environmental D.O.

The first position was International D.O which saw Salomé Doré stand only contested by Re-Open Nominations.

The Community D.O position was contested by 3 candidates; Ryan Stevens, Ellie Glock and Lizzie Beale.

[videojs mp4=”https://webvids.lsu.co.uk/2016-17/elections/DOResults.mp4″ poster=”http://media.lsu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/VideoSplash.png”]
Results announced by Matt Gill, current Union Affairs Executive Officer (Apologies about poor sound)

The results were as follows:

International Development Officer Results

Salomé was elected to be the International Development Officer in the first round.

Community Development Results

Lizzie was elected to be Community Development Officer in the first round.

If you would like to run to be the Ethical & Environmental D.O, applications open next Monday (29th May).


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