November’s Illustration Competition Winner is Vanisha Mistry with her illustration of Twiggy. The theme of this issues’ competition was portraits. Here’s what Vanisha had to say:

“The competition for this issue was based on ‘Portraiture’, one of my favourite themes. Previously in issue 2 of Label, I chose to do a drawing of Mariah Idrissi as I like to interpret famous people within my illustrations.
For this competition I chose to draw Lesley Lawson, famously known as ‘Twiggy’ the teenage model during the swinging sixties. This illustration was simply drawn using a biro on a sheet of newspaper. My main inspiration for this style of portraiture comes from an artist named Mark Powell. Powell tends to draw his illustrations on old maps and envelopes using biro. I really like Powell’s work as his illustrations vary with individual characteristics, which shows a vintage effect. Powell’s portraits and animal drawings have an interesting composition and always appear realistic.
I would also like to a say a huge thank you to everybody who liked my illustration and all the other entries looked incredible. Would definitely recommend everyone to enter the competitions, as there’s something for everyone and just a chance to get a little creative and add their own flair.”
Congratulations to Vanisha, we look forward to seeing more of her work and of course entries from other students too! Head over to the Label Facebook page for details on current competitions and to view entries. Details for the Issue Four competition can be found here.
(Winners are chosen according to the amount of ‘likes’ their work gets over on our Facebook page.)