Your university experience is hands-down more than just your course. Getting stuck into extra curricular activities not only makes for a shining CV, but it undoubtedly helps you make friends and potentially some of your best memories.

At Loughborough Students’ Union, there are a huge range of societies you can join, whether it’s something arty, charitable, sporty or something really out-there, LSU caters to most students. Categories include faith/culture/religion, outdoor activities, performance, art and music, employability/careers, food/drink, film/games/technology, political/historic and other interests. Some of these include the Disney, Cocktail, Salsa, Hot Air Ballooning and Wellbeing and Fitness societies to name but a few!

Although LSU Media isn’t strictly counted as a society, this department also has a vast range of opportunities for everyone. You can try anything from hosting a radio show for LCR (Loughborough Campus Radio), snapping some photos with Lens, writing for LSU’s own magazine, Label or presenting or filming for LSUTV.
With the societies bazaar come and gone, don’t panic; you can still sign up at any time and have a good browse of the full list of societies here: Memberships start at as little as £5, so there’s nothing to lose. You can also join each societies’ Facebook pages to stay updated and in the loop with any events, socials and any extra bits of info, such as committee applications – another CV booster!
It can be a struggle to put yourself out there, especially when you’re away from home living independently for the first time. Societies are a fantastic way to not only boost your skills, but enjoy doing it. You might happen to discover an interest you’d never dreamed of trying, and meet a bunch of friends you can’t live without! And also, “I was part of the Quidditch society” is just the ultimate ice breaker.