Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Hazlerigg Rutland

Size of Hall:
196 students (One of the smallest Halls at Loughborough)
Self-Catered or Catered:
Size of Committee:
Fresher/Returner Ratio:
‘The Honourable’ Paul Leaney.
A small statement from the Hall Chair, Jon Ako:
“Rigg Rut (Hazlerigg Rutland) is easily the best hall on campus; it has the best location, accommodation, hall spirit and collection of people in the university. Its small size allows everyone to get to know each other well and creates a family atmosphere.”

General Atmosphere and Reputation:
Like Jon said in his quote, Rigg Rut really does have a family atmosphere. As one of the smallest Halls on campus, it means that everyone does get to know one another. There’s a real sense of community, friendship, and support from both members of committee and residents. As far as reputation goes, Rigg Rut doesn’t particularly have one as it’s too small for any of the bigger Halls to have really heard about it. When other students hear that it’s where you’re living they usually respond with ‘where?’, or ‘Oh, that’s a posh one, right?’ Yes, Rigg Rut does have big beds and en-suites and I’ve had the pleasure of spending two years there.
BNOC Alumni:
Current VP Sport, Luke Thomson, was a resident of Hazlerigg Rutland.
Hall of the Year placement:
6th (Or, optimistically, the 1st of the losers)
IMS placement: 5th
Twitter: @RiggRut
Alex Jones- Culture Editor and ex- Rigg Rut Resident
Photography courtesy of Rigg Rut Hall Media