Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
David Collett Hall, Catered Hall
Rooms: 318
The committee has grown from one of the smallest, with 14 members, to one of the largest with 20 members. With new positions being created and all current ones being fully filled, this years committee is ready and fully capable to hold the best Freshers and deal with any challenges as the year progresses.

The hall has a mix of Freshers, Returners and ERASMUS students. There can be up to 200 Freshers with the returners and ERASMUS making up the rest.
Sheryl the warden, along with Kat, Jon and with Rounaq joining in September, make up DC’s warden team. It is well known among David Collett that Sheryl makes the best Jamaican chicken and dumplings! As well as her cooking skills, Sheryl is known to get involved with all parts of DC life, whether it’s picking up a racket for IMS badminton, jumping out of a plane for RAG, or coming to any hall event run by the committee. The rest of the warden team are always on call whatever time of day, providing support to students locked out of their rooms after a night out, getting involved in hall events, and giving advice and support to any student who asks for it.
‘DC to me means family. As a student who has travelled the world a lot, having to settle in to new environments, I know it is not easy, however DC is a place I found myself settle in and discover new friends faster than I have done anywhere else.’ – Axel, Hall Chair
David Collett is split into 6 different blocks. There are the towers of A, B and C which are each joined by a common room. D and E block are the face of David Collett, housing the main common room, reception and in-between them is the DC famous arch way. The last block is F Block which only has a handful of rooms.

Across Campus, DC is known as the social hall. Our social sec last year won best social sec of the year. We hold the best punch parties and socials. DC Day and the Summer Ball are probably the main events that stick in most people’s mind when they think of DC.
‘DC is its own amazing little community. Everyone is really friendly and the layout and dining hall make it a really sociable hall. The warden team are really friendly and care so much about everything to do with DC. Definitely the best hall on the West side of campus!’ – Kim, Action Rep
DC excels in a few sports, but didn’t do so well in IMS last year. Although men’s hockey did do well last year, representing the hall in the varsity and coming second overall- only losing to the eventual IMS winners. In previous years, DC have represented varsity in rugby and basketball.
Out of the 15 halls, David Collett came 14th in the hall of the year competition. But with a large, enthusiastic and proactive committee, this year they are aiming for the stars. The warden has been heard saying that this is the best committee she has seen for a while and believes that they can propel the hall to be the best hall on campus. We will have to wait and see what’s going to happen next year!
Twitter: @DCfreshers
Craig Searle, DC Media Rep and Label Hall Media Secretary
Photography courtesy of DC Hall Media