Label introduce you to Loughborough’s Halls of Residence
Label have put together a hall profile/ article for every hall in Loughborough. We’ve included the basics, what size the hall is, how big their committee is and more. However, more importantly, we’ve added in quotes, gathered from Hall Committee members, to help show you as freshers, what the hall really has to offer. Click here to see more Hall Profiles!
Name of Hall – Cayley
Size of Hall – 288 occupants
Size of committee – 16
Warden – Gemma Witcomb
Hall Chair Quote:
“Cayley is the small but mighty hall. We are known for our social atmosphere and help you fit in quickly from day one of your fresher’s experience” – Ben Reilly, Cayley Hall Chair
Reputation on campus
Cayley, a hall certainly not lacking in hall spirit, is perfectly situated within the village to allow you to get the most out of your Freshers’ experience. Full of undergraduates who are keen to have a good time this hall is not one to be forgotten. Each block in the close-knit community has many stories to tell, being one of the older and more traditional halls on campus. Since their storming performance at the Sing Off last year, Cayley have really rebooted their reputation on campus as a contender for the loudest proudest hall.

BNOC alumni
James Bowker – VP Finance and Commercial Services on the shiny brand new Exec Committee 2015/16, James has definitely made a name for himself on campus. Having lived in Cayley for a couple of years and spent a successful stint as Hall Chair, James is someone future BNOCs may want to look to for inspiration as Freshers’ looms.
Max Crawford – New VP Union Affairs, Max, definitely gained BNOC status when he spent the Exec Elections campaign week dressed as a smile last year, making everyone smile with him. This approachable Exec member comes from Cayley too, so with two links on Exec you’re certain to have your voice heard in this hall!
Exec Hall Buddy – Jenna Holmes, VP Societies
Hall of the year position – 11th
IMS position – 9th
Twitter: @CayleyHall
Leanna Kightley, Assistant Label Editor
Photography courtesy of Cayley Hall Media