Today, Wednesday 6th May, the candidates running for the positions of Union President and VP College have been revealed.
The following three people will be seen around campus, campaigning for your vote to make them your next Union President in this By- Election:

Olivia Empson
Harry French Hall Chair, ex- Sports Sec and Final Year student Livvy will be seen around campus with her “Lightning Livvy” campaign theme, aiming to light up your next year at LSU.

Jessica Excell
Rutherford Committee Member, ex- Hall Chair and Welfare and Diversity Sexual Health Coordinator Jess will be around promoting her “Excellence” in order to win your vote over the next week.

Till Sieberth
PhD student and Union Photographer Till will be keeping his campaign serious whilst running for the position, but you may also catch him as a “TillyTubby” as well.
Four candidates are running for the position of VP College, three out of the four are college students this election:

Jessica Downs
Jessica is a student at the University and will seek your attention as the only VP College candidate with an explicit campaign theme as Jessie the Cowgirl.

Ellis Jarvis
Having studied at the college for three years, Ellis will be hoping to attract your vote through innovative flyers- something interactive to look out for.
Bhavik Mandalia
Bhavik will be looking to interact and get to know more college students to see what really matters to them and hence look to make these changes if elected.

Jack McShane
Seeks your vote to make him next years’ VP College through heavy interaction with the College and aims to see some of the uni students on campus throughout campaigning week.
Video manifestos and candidate interviews will be available very soon via LSUTV and Label, check back on the Media Website for further information very soon! Don’t forget you can watch the Bubble Debate on Sunday from 7pm too!